
Kick Start Their Kibble with Variety and Rotation

Kick start their meals! 

Rotating the foods that your pets eat is one of the best things that you can do for their health.

Why switch?

By varying proteins and brands, you are providing a wider spectrum of vital nutrients to keep your pets at their healthiest.

Pets develop a stronger digestive system by being exposed to many different kinds of foods, so rotation is a great way of preventing stomach upsets.

Feeding a varied diet also helps prevent allergies from developing. Cats and dogs that eat the same food for an extended period of time often develop sensitivities to one or more of the ingredients in their food, but rotating their diet prevents the body from being overexposed to potential allergens.

There are three main ways to add variety:

1. You can rotate proteins in the food you’re currently feeding, or you can try a similar food from a different brand.

2. You can vary the kind of food you offer, switching between or adding in dry, canned, frozen raw, and freeze-dried raw.

3. You can add a variety of whole food supplements such as raw goat milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, Green Juju, and Great Greens.

By introducing your pet to a variety of foods, you are helping to make sure that they are getting the most nutritious and well-rounded diet possible for a longer, happier life!

Talk to a pet care specialist about personalized suggestions for your dog or cat, and receive free Kick Start samples!

  • Janyce Mowris

    July 16, 2019 at 3:20 am


  • George Marie

    December 13, 2019 at 3:50 pm

    I think that a great way to get your pets excited about eating, too, would be to get them a personalized pet bowl.

Information about Raw Cat Food and Avian Influenza