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The Flex Forward recycling pilot program met its collection goal

We are no longer collecting bags for the Flex Forward program.

However, this is very good news!

Thanks to our customers’ participation, we have collected enough empty packaging for this project to proceed to the next phase of the pilot program. The collected flexible packaging will be ground into pellets to be reused by the plastics industry for a variety of purposes. Some of the recycled packaging will be used to manufacture new test pet products, including crates, toys, and litter boxes. The ultimate goal is to create a fully closed-loop recycling solution for plastic pet packaging, preventing plastic packaging from ending up in landfills and instead, using it to produce new products.

All The Best is happy to have had the opportunity to team up with Earth Animal (the maker of the beloved No-Hide chews, among other products), the Pet Sustainability Coalition, and Pet Food Express in this pilot program aimed at reducing the estimated 300 million pounds of plastic pet food packaging that goes to landfills each year.

We share our customers’ commitment to sustainability. Your participation helped make the campaign a success and may be pivotal in establishing a larger, national Flex Forward recycling program.

Coronavirus and Your Pets: What We Know

Should you be worried about the coronavirus affecting your pet, or your pet passing it to you?

In short, no.

“The threat that the virus causing COVID-19 could sicken pets and spread between them and their owners is extremely low”, veterinarians say.

We can rest easy knowing that there is little to no evidence that the recent spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) affects our furry family members.

Will the Coronavirus infect my pet?

No. As of March 1, no animals in the United States have been identified with the virus and currently, there is no evidence that a dog or other companion animals can contract or spread the disease among themselves or humans, says the CDC.

What about the dog in Hong Kong? What does that test result mean for me and my family?

Background: Concerns about pet illness with COVID-19, and spread between owners and their animals emerged on Feb. 28, when Hong Kong health authorities announced that a dog belonging to a woman sick with COVID-19, also tested “weak positive” for the new coronavirus. The dog has not exhibited any symptoms and is currently quarantined to be tested further. The plausible reason behind the “weak positive” is environmental contamination.

Per the CDC, “there is [currently] no evidence that companion animals including pets can spread COVID-19.”

How can pet owners keep their animals and families safe?

Simply follow the CDC’s recommendation on preventative measures:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, including after handling your pet or his food.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Unless you feel unwell, the CDC does not recommend wearing a facemask (and we certainly don’t recommend putting a facemask on your pet).

If you prefer to avoid interactions or large crowds until more is known, we do have local delivery through Amazon Prime Now. Just log on to your account and scroll down to the All The Best graphic.

While the CDC and veterinarians are still learning about the Coronavirus, their current advice is straight-forward: wash your hands often and stick to your usual, happy routine.

Information about Raw Cat Food and Avian Influenza

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