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Pet Nutrition

Our Nutritional Philosophy

What you feed your pet each day is the single most important decision you can make regarding their health and well-being. It has been estimated that up to 90% of the ailments which plague our canine and feline companions are diet-related. With the proper nutritional building blocks, the body can make its own repairs when a health problem arises. High-quality dog and cat food is the best way to help our pets thrive.

We cannot provide veterinary advice

Please note, we cannot provide health recommendations for individual animals and we are not veterinarians. Contact your dog or cat’s veterinarian with any health concerns you may have.

We believe that the diets of dogs and cats should

  • Contain only wholesome ingredients fit for human consumption.
  • Have NO chemical additives or preservatives, fillers, or by-products.
  • Be high in meat protein and low in grains and carbohydrates.
  • Include some raw food or digestive enzymes daily.
  • Offer variety and rotation of protein sources and other ingredients.
  • Be as minimally processed as possible to preserve nutrients.
  • Be high in moisture, especially the feline diet.
  • Be as close as practical to a dog or cat’s ancestral diet.
  • Be balanced over time, not necessarily in every bite.

Information Library

Information about Raw Cat Food and Avian Influenza